Privacy continues as a dominate theme. Here are four thought provoking articles which yet again highlight the need to be judicious about what we post on social media sites and alike. The first is my top pick – not just the month but possible the year.
A letter to my daughter: your privacy in the age of the internet
Millennials are growing up with very different ideas about privacy and information security than those of us who actually built the digital world we now live in. The question is what is best practice?
Disruptive technologies pose difficult ethical questions for society
Although this article has a US slant much will ring bells for us in the UK and especially the use of social media and the interact to research potential job applicants.
10 things we learned from Pew Research’s Internet of Things report
Health tech will boom but privacy effects may be ‘pernicious’. Oh, and ‘we will all have cyberservants’.
Should companies monitor their employees social media?
As you would expect from Nancy Flynn, head of the e-policy institute this is a very well written article on the pros and cons of such actions.