Training is always the first item to be cut during an economic downturn. If Mesmo Consultancy’s order books (for email best practice training) are a barometer of the state of economy, then as others are experiencing there is a distinctive feel good factor in business. We have had our busiest six months since 2011. Working with organisations of all sizes and from all sectors we are still seeing considerable scope for ways to improve personal and business performance and productivity.
Here is our pick of the top five articles and blogs from the past few weeks on ways to improve personal and business performance from reducing email overload to proof reading apps.
1. The one work problem that plagues us all – and some cleaver ways to fix it
Suffering from email and social media disruption, feeling you have no time to stand still? This is our top pick.
Top time wasters
2. Cyber crime – top tips to reduce the risks of an attack on your business and yourself
A cyber attack not only dents your reputation but can also absorbs valuable time and resources on the damage limitation exercise.
3. Is the art of using pen and notebook dying?
Sometimes reaching for a pen and paper is the quickest way to take notes. No waiting either for the technology to boot-up or hassle if it runs out of juice.
4. The rise of humans: how to outsmart the digital deluge
How long does it take to get back to real productive work after you stoop to peek at either email or social media post? Sufficient time to run five miles in Roger Banister style. To be precise 23 minutes according to research from Microsoft) The moral as we have said many times before – limit all those distractions and stay in the present for at least 2o minutes.
5. Five speed reading apps for iOS to help you conquer your reading list
Many top executives have amazing speed reading skills. In today’s age of information overload speed reading is an essential survival skill for all of us regardless of our position in the organisational food chain.
Tags: cyber crime, email best practice, email overload, Email training, improve personal productivity, notebook stories, pen and paper