Top tips from Mesmo Consultancy (and Associates) on how to save time and improve business and personal performance by ‘Taking Control of your Inbox’ and using proper business email etiquette.
January into February are often lean months for good news stories outside of real major world events. From a technology standpoint, three threads really stood out, security, email etiquette and the effect of mobile devices on our wellbeing. In the light of the Sony hacking offensive the emphasis on cyber crine and email etiquette is not surprising. Here are our top five articles and blogs of note.
Articles of note
If email security, email etiquette or the impact of email overload on well being are on your agenda for 2015, why not contact Mesmo Consultancy now for a free consultation? Either call us on +44 (0)1202 434340 or email us.
Tags: Articles of note, cyber crime, email etiquette, email overload, email security, Sony hacking, well being
Books of Note
The last few months have been spent catching up with the backlog from November and December especially the Innovators by Walter Isaacson. In addition to a digital history lesson, it contains many lessons in how to manage technology innovation and the people associated with it. This month is a mix of new and old books which warrant mention.
New Books
Old Books
For a client assignment, I recently re-read two classics on change management. Both are short and written over ten years ago. However, the underlying themes and guidance on why and how to change still resonate. Indeed they feel even more current in today’s world where the pace of change is now so fast that if you take a month off you might find you need to re-skill or worse still extinct.
Tags: Books of note, Change management, Danah Boyd, Daniel Levitin, email addiction, information overload
Reputational damage always follows a major cyber crime hack. It was only a matter of time before we saw the real fall out from the recent Sony hacking
Email disasters
offensive, in terms of the damage to personal reputations (and possibly still the business’s reputation). Today is the start, with Amy Pascal feeling she should resign. It has always been my view that Barclays Bank Libor emails cost the bank and its management team more in reputational damage than the actual fine. They slipped out of the top 100 most trusted companies. Had the press not found those damaging emails, they would not have been the focus of such media attention. After all many other banks were in a similar position.
An unprecedented hack as happened to Sony will be forgiven, but not the vitriolic emails which show the company management culture is such disarray.
The moral is of course to think, think and think again before hitting send. Ask yourself. ‘what if a hacker found this email’. If you really cannot manage your impulsive behaviour then the solution is slow email and set a rule to delay sending all your email by a few minutes to allow for cooling off.
How well are you managing to reduce the risk to you and your business becoming the stars of the next email-gate media disaster? Contact us now to hear how we have helped other organisations protect their professional image by more effective email management.
Tags: Amy Pascal, email disasters, email management, Sony hacking 2014, Sony hacking scandal
With the exception of the Sony cyber crime attack, which has been discussed, all this month’s articles of note relate to technology trends for 2015.
What do you feel will dominate 2015 in terms of technological innovations? Will wearables and drones come of age?
Tags: 2015 predictions, Articles of note
A year from now, will we still be using email as the prima face business communications tool? That is the question I am always asked at this time of year. In a word ‘yes’. It is not only the most durable technological innovation, but in essence it has changed little in its thirty year life cycle. It is still a lean and mean messaging system, all be it we have bent it to be all things to all people, (from a channel through which to manage people, make them redundant and invite them for sex tonight). However, here are five things I do foresee with respect to email which may also help reduce email overload.
The future of email
Consequently, email overload may become less of a drain on people’s productivity as we learn to change our email behaviour. However, it will be important not to replace one set of bad behaviours with another. A change in email behaviour needs to be carefully managed and we at Mesmo Consultancy will be pleased to share how with you how we have helped other organisations make this transition.
Where do you feel we will be with email by the end of 2015? Will it still be the dominant backbone of business communications?
Tags: cyber crime, disconnect on leave, Email behaviour, email overload, Mesmo Consultancy, pen and paper, Unified inbox