Every sent an email and ping the reply is ‘where is the attachment’? Ever had the message ‘mailbox full’? Both waste time and can be stressful. This video, enables you to save time dealing with attachments as a sender and recipient. It is the 5th in the Business Email Management series from Mesmo Consultancy.
It will show you how to:
If you like this video, don’t forget is it is one of a series on smart business email management and etiquette. It is also one of the topics we cover in Mesmo Consultancy’s Smart Email Management Masterclasses. Contact us now for more information.
Tags: Attachement best practice, Attachment management, business email etiquette, Business email management, Mesmo Consultancy, Smart Email Management, Take Control of Your Inbox
Mesmo Consultancy is delighted to announce nominations are now being accepted for the 2017 World Email Ping-Pong Challenge. Email ping-pong is a ‘game’ played by millions of employees every day who send pointless emails back and forth instead of picking up the phone. But we digress – we want to find out who are the world’s best email ping pong players.
Have you been in an endless round of email exchanges or spotted a ping pong email game between two people which goes nowhere and often spirals out of control. How many emails did it involve and over how many days/weeks did it last? Tell us what is the longest round of email ping pong you have ever played or spotted? Gold, Silver and Bronze medals will be awarded and for the best two responses a copy of either ‘Brilliant Email’ or ‘Taking Control of Your Inbox’.
Please send your nominations either via email or leave your comments on this blog.
Email ping-pong is symptomatic of our addiction to email and poor business email etiquette. Often we forget to use other forms of communication which could be more efficient and solve the problem more quickly, for instance the phone or a face-to-face conversation (live or by video-link).
In January 2017 DMR stats reported that 269 billion emails are sent daily. In 2016 The Huffington Post reported that the average worker spends 6.3 hours a day on their email and The Economist highlighted that processing an email costs the average business just under $1 per email. So ten pointless rounds of email pong-pong means $10 down the sink. Played by ten pairs of employees at least five times a week – your business has now wasted the equivalent of $500 a week. Can you really afford to lose this much profit not to mention time and productivity lost?
Want to bow out of the World Email Ping Pong Challenge to improve performance and reclaim all this lost time and money? Then watch our latest Business Email Etiquette video on how to stop email ping-pong.
Here is a classic email Ping Pong Game in Action
This email ping pong chain is already 12 messages long, and it will start a new ‘set’ with Zack…
If you want to save even more time managing email more efficiently why not call us now about our Brilliant Email Management workshops or buy yourself a copy of either Brilliant Email or Taking Control of Your Inbox.
Tags: Brilliant Email, business email etiquette, DMR Stats, Email ping-pong, Huffington Post, Mesmo Consultancy, Save time dealing with email, Taking Control of Your Inbox, The Economist
Fed up with endless rounds of email ping-pong going no where? Watch video number four of Mesmo Consultancy’s new series on Business Email Management and Etiquette: top tips to stop playing email ping-pong.
First, these top tips will help you improve business and personal performance and productivity. Second, stopping playing email ping-pong will enable you to reduce email overload and improve well-being.
Tags: business email etiquette, Business email management, email overload, Email ping-pong, Mesmo Consultancy, Save time dealing with email
How can you entice people to respond properly and in full to your emails? Try the 5S Formula for writing business emails which are polite, professional and compelling without being either arrogant nor pushy.
Still having trouble getting people to respond to your emails? Click here to benchmark the rest of your email etiquette.
For more tips like these either buy on of my books such as ‘Brilliant Email’ or ‘Taking Control of Your Inbox’ or come on one of Mesmo Consultancy’s email management workshops.
Tags: Answer my email, Brilliant Email, Business email, business email etiquette, Get emails answered, Mesmo Consultancy, Politley ask people to respond to emails, Taking Control of Your Inbox
How can you safeguarding your organisation from the risks of such email fiascos? One easy way is to invite Mesmo Consultancy to run an email management and business email etiquette masterclass.
Tags: business email etiquette, Email fiasco, email management, George Pinkham, Hertford College, IORG, King & Wood Mailesons, Mesmo Consultancy, Michael Einstein, Oxford, Quora, Strong Password