Showing items tagged with "Articles of note" - 4 found.
A mixed bag including email etiquette, cyber security (as always), the changing face of the consumer experience and time management.
- What colour are your emails: red, yellow or blue? Do you write in a tone which either annoys or induces a response from the recipient.
- Ten cyber security trends to watch for in 2016.
- Generation Z may have grown up with technology, but will they use their skills to provide IT for business support?
- How Amazon is re-shaping the consumer experience.
- Hackers take many website off-line by denial of service attacks.
- Pick up the phone, pay the tab. How to encourage people to disconnect at lunch/dinner.
- Bosses battle burn-out in a world that’s always on. A worrying insight into the well-being of the top management team.
Do any of these topics raise warning bells for you and your organisation? Call us now to hear how we have helped organizations like yours tackle such challenges and improve productivity and well-being.
Tags: Articles of note, cyber crime, email etiquette, Productivity, well being
Even prior to the TalkTalk hack, password protection and the on going stream of email spoofs were a significant focus of the last few months. The latter are always phishing to relieve you very cheaply and easily of your hard earned money.
- TalkTalk’s was hacked by a 15 year old. The number of customers’ financial information stolen might be less than expected. But it reveals just how vulnerable such websites are to the determined hacker.
- The worst fifteen hacks – it’s to early to know the full extent of the TalkTalk hack and whether or not it ranks in the top twenty worst cyber crimes. Here is the list thus far.
- Password protection. There are a number of good password protection applications. Here is a useful summary of the best of the bunch.
- Spotting spam emails still seems to defy some. This is a very good reminder of the key signs that the email you think is genuine is not.
- Out of office messages are a two fold hazard. They act as a cheap backdoor to cyber criminals and an excuse to take a peek at emails whilst technically on leave.
Tags: Articles of note, cybercrime, out of office message, password protection, Spam, Spoof emails, TalkTalk
January into February are often lean months for good news stories outside of real major world events. From a technology standpoint, three threads really stood out, security, email etiquette and the effect of mobile devices on our wellbeing. In the light of the Sony hacking offensive the emphasis on cyber crine and email etiquette is not surprising. Here are our top five articles and blogs of note.

Articles of note
- Sony hacking saga – the true reputational damage as Amy Pascal steps down. A summary of events and the cost to personal professional lives when a hacker finds email which should never have been sent in the first place.
- Being a good diplomat takes more than Ferrero Rocher. Appalled at the lack of language and social skills, the Foreign Office set up a new Academy to enable its Diplomats to regain their standing overseas. They will be taught not only languages such as Mandarin but also how to use social media. Will the courses extend to email etiquette and when its more effective to use pen and paper rather than email? There is also a very good article in The Times with some tips and hints which might give anyone a competitive advantage during sales negotiation (but you need a subscription to read it).
- FTSE 350 cyber governance health check tracker report. Although aimed at larger organisations, it makes excellent reading for every business owner and IT Director.
- Symantec cyber crime survival guide. A short video on how to reduce the risk of a cyber attack and manage the after effects. You can download a handy aid memoir. Interestingly user education is a key point.
- Switching on outside office risks relationships. A new study from Surrey University has found that the long hours culture predicated by mobile devices and email overload is increasing levels of stress.
If email security, email etiquette or the impact of email overload on well being are on your agenda for 2015, why not contact Mesmo Consultancy now for a free consultation? Either call us on +44 (0)1202 434340 or email us.
Tags: Articles of note, cyber crime, email etiquette, email overload, email security, Sony hacking, well being
With the exception of the Sony cyber crime attack, which has been discussed, all this month’s articles of note relate to technology trends for 2015.
- TechRepublic offered some excellent tips for any IT department wanting to create a better customer experience. Click here for more.
- Many feel wearables and drones will dominate 2015 if the Las Vegas Consumer Electronics show anything to go by. Click here for more.
- Cloud and 3D printing feature of Gartner’s list. Click here for more.
- For others is ‘the internet of all things’ and data analysis. Click here for more.
- For SMEs there was an interesting article from Hiscox on digital media trends. Click here to read more.
What do you feel will dominate 2015 in terms of technological innovations? Will wearables and drones come of age?
Tags: 2015 predictions, Articles of note