Seven top tips for home working to make you more productive and effective. Home working has been talked about for years rather like the paperless office. It takes the COVID-19 virus to turn prophesy into reality. The question is how to be productive and effective whilst working from home and avoid all the surrounding distractions. Not least of which is information and email overload which is something several clients say has escalated out of hand.
At Mesmo Consultancy we have over 30 years experience helping people like you reduce email overload and work from home effectively. Over the coming week we will share our knowledge on both fronts.
Today, we want to share our seven top tips for effective and productive home working.
Effective home working
1.The home desk. Make it as safe and set up as possible to avoid stressing your muscles. We have seen some amazing make-shift desks from ironing boards to wine creates. Click here for some guidelines on the best desk set-up.
2.Stay focused on the task in hand. That means turning off all the new mail and social media alerts.
3.Practice slow email. Agree acceptable response times with colleagues internally and externally. You might have thought this impossible in the past but if ever there was a time to slow down the ridiculous pace of email exchanges it’s now.
4. Maintain your physical well-being. This means setting working time boundaries such as having a proper lunch break and after what time in the evening you stop checking your email etc. Maybe join an on-line gym, meditation, yoga group etc. Click here for more.
5. Limit the number of times you check your trusted news channels. Too much information can be worse than too little. No sooner have you recovered from one wave of bad news than another set knock you back again.
6. Keep talking. Allocate time to talk to colleagues whether through a conference call, text or chat app like what’s app. Ironically, we are hearing people say they are now talking more to colleagues than when they were in the office.
7. Up-skill yourself. Learning is a lifelong exercise. Without colleagues near by to show you how to do things eg set up a rule in Outlook, again this is the time to learn more about all the software you use and maybe some you have never thought about. Click here to see how well you use Outlook.
As we said at the outset, Mesmo Consultancy will be providing a series of tips on effective home working and smart email management including how to use Outlook and other related communications tools. These will be through a free fifteen minute lunch and learn webinar.
For more details (if you are not already on our database receiving our e-briefing) sign-up now. Email us with your name and put E-BRIEFING in the subject-line.
Tags: BourneFit, Home working, Mesmo Consultancy, Slow email, well being
One of the major side effects of email overload (and email addiction) is that we sit for hours at our desk which then impinges on our well-being. In this month’s guest blog from Simon Lesser of BourneFit, Simon looks at the impact on our well-being and gives us some top tips to how to improve this and our work-life balance.
Working is a necessity, particularly working behind a computer for many of us. This may be a large part of the day often extending upwards of 6-8 hours allowing for the occasional tea and biscuit. Here are some top tips on improving posture daily and hence reducing chance of RSI, neck pain and round back posture.
There are a number of simple thing we can do but initially let’s look at what can happen…….
Shocking, and he’s supposed to be a fitness professional !
We can notice a number of things.
So let’s see what simple improvements can be made……
Much better!
Maintaining your well-being (in-spite of email overload)
About Simon Lesser and BourneFit
Simon Lesser is founder and owner of BourneFit a Bournemouth based fitness and sport therapy business. For more information click visit the BourneFit website. There you will also information of healthy eating and other ways to improve your well-being and maintain a good work-life balance.
Tags: BourneFit, email addiction, email overload, Simon Lesser, well being