This is a great time to re-look at you inbox and check your level of email overload. Don’t forget you can use our Email Overload on-line tool to check how you are doing.
Your inbox should be your work in progress and contain no more than 50 emails. Here are some tips to help you spring clean your inbox and plan a strategy for managing the email overload more effectively on your return.
Whether you are going on leave or staying in the office here are some quick way to clean out the inbox.
If you are taking some leave make sure you:
For more tips see earlier blogs. Also why not invest a couple of hours on one of our Brilliant Email Masterclasses.
Tags: Easter break, email overload
Think outside the inbox
Last week a client complained at being emailed by another colleague who sat just five desk away. How often does this happen to you? We have a love hate relationship with email: its fast and easy but not always the best communications channel. An over dependence on email at the expense of other channels is one of the primary causes of email overload. Yet how many of us make the effort to think outside the inbox before hitting send.
Very few judging by many of my client’s experiences. However, some leading organisations are being innovative and for example banning all internal emails and having no email days in an effort to both reduce email overload and improve communications. These range from high-tech companies to housing associations and architects.
My behaviour will influence your behaviour here are three ways to encourage others to think outside the inbox.
1. Provide an incentive for them to talk to you.
2. Use an alternative tool to provide information which people really need, for example the form for requesting leave, a sales update.
3. Implement email free times and office zones.
To reduce the email dependency (and even email addiction) above all else make sure you create the role model: next time you are about to hit send, get up and walk and talk to the person. Try responding to external email with a phone call. You might be pleasantly surprised at the extra information you pick up to help progress that important sale.
Tags: alternatives to email, email overload, No Email Day, No internal email, Walk before emailing
January into February are often lean months for good news stories outside of real major world events. From a technology standpoint, three threads really stood out, security, email etiquette and the effect of mobile devices on our wellbeing. In the light of the Sony hacking offensive the emphasis on cyber crine and email etiquette is not surprising. Here are our top five articles and blogs of note.
Articles of note
If email security, email etiquette or the impact of email overload on well being are on your agenda for 2015, why not contact Mesmo Consultancy now for a free consultation? Either call us on +44 (0)1202 434340 or email us.
Tags: Articles of note, cyber crime, email etiquette, email overload, email security, Sony hacking, well being
A year from now, will we still be using email as the prima face business communications tool? That is the question I am always asked at this time of year. In a word ‘yes’. It is not only the most durable technological innovation, but in essence it has changed little in its thirty year life cycle. It is still a lean and mean messaging system, all be it we have bent it to be all things to all people, (from a channel through which to manage people, make them redundant and invite them for sex tonight). However, here are five things I do foresee with respect to email which may also help reduce email overload.
The future of email
Consequently, email overload may become less of a drain on people’s productivity as we learn to change our email behaviour. However, it will be important not to replace one set of bad behaviours with another. A change in email behaviour needs to be carefully managed and we at Mesmo Consultancy will be pleased to share how with you how we have helped other organisations make this transition.
Where do you feel we will be with email by the end of 2015? Will it still be the dominant backbone of business communications?
Tags: cyber crime, disconnect on leave, Email behaviour, email overload, Mesmo Consultancy, pen and paper, Unified inbox
Here are the articles and blogs which caught our attention in October.
What have we missed. What did you read which caught you eye?
Tags: bcc, Clive Thomson, cyber crime, cybercrime, Debrett's, email culture, email etiquette, email overload, Michael Einstein, Ponemon