Showing items tagged with "Quora" - 3 found.
This month is like a box of licorice allsorts with articles a range or articles on business email management and business email etiquette. They including, the business email etiquette of using the Out of Office Message, best business email etiquette for opening and closing emails, social media gives us more networking but are we any happier and a new report on mobile/flexible working. Read on.
- How to master the almost impossible etiquette of the Out of Office Message. Do you feel annoyed when you receive an Out of Office message and conversely does your OOO annoy others? It seems that there is a whole psychology to what we say and how we use the OOO.

- Is it correct to use ‘Dear Sirs’ when emailing several people? Clearly it depends on the context. of the business email as discussed in this Quora post by Dr Seeley.
- Why close emails with ‘best regards’. Time and again in workshops the question is asked, what is the best email etiquette to close an email? Here are some suggestions from another of Monica’s Quora posts. Don’t forget you can benchmark your own business email etiquette here.
- How to add accents using an IoS device (ipda/iphone etc). Business emails sent from mobile devices still need to look professional. This email etiquette tip will help you when typing names and words with accents.
- Internet on BA flights cleared for take-off. Do you value to opportunity to disconnect when flying and do some blue sky thinking (excuse the pun). Well that might be about to end for those flying BA. You will either have to be strong willed or change airlines!
- Working anytime, anywhere: The effects on the world of work. A new report from the International Labour Organisation is invaluable for those involved in mobile/flexible working programmes. Although, it’s long and not for the faint heart and with a short attention span.
- How the world became hocked on social media. Social media has expanded our networks but has it made us any happier? Whilst we are better informed and connected than ever before, we are no happier and in some less happy than the generation who had no social media. This article reviews three new books on the topic and is a must for any reader tasked with research in this area. Although one cannot help feeling it’s all been said before by Sherry Turkle’s ‘Reclaiming Conversation and in ‘Alone Together’.
Did you spot an article on business email management and etiquette which you can share to help us all reduce email overload?
Tags: anywhere, business email etiquette, Business email management, ilO, out of office message, Quora, Sherry Turkle, Work anytime
- Creating a very strong password – many people reported having their social media accounts hacked. First, check what apps have access to your account and delete any you do not recognise. Second and most crucial step is to change your password and make sure it’s really strong.

- Email signature – what to include – this is a recurrent theme. Most email signatures are far too long and contain too many images. Email correspondence is not the place to market either your business or yourself. Keep the signature simple yet informative. This Quora post outlines what vital information to include and what to omit.
- Hashtag your email for easy searching – you can add a hidden hashtag to emails you search which can make it easier for you to find them. This gem is thanks to Michael Einstein my fellow IORG board member.
- Oxford college apologises for sharing names of rejected applicants – this is perhaps the worst email fiasco for some time. Hertford College sent an email to each reject with the list of all those who had been rejected! A real case of send in haste and repent at leisure.
- Uncivil lawyers get personal …in all-staff email – yes even solicitors can forget the difference between Reply and Reply-All when airing personal grievances. Maybe not suprising their firm (King & Wood Mailesons) is in administration but suspect the two key players (Tim Taylor and George Pinkham) might have difficulty finding new jobs after this email fiasco!
How can you safeguarding your organisation from the risks of such email fiascos? One easy way is to invite Mesmo Consultancy to run an email management and business email etiquette masterclass.
Tags: business email etiquette, Email fiasco, email management, George Pinkham, Hertford College, IORG, King & Wood Mailesons, Mesmo Consultancy, Michael Einstein, Oxford, Quora, Strong Password

Monica often writes replies to questions on Quora. Here replies are popular with some receiving over 3K views. Here are a few from the summer.
What is a legitimate use of BCC – in email? For sending an email to a group of people.
Is it bad/good practice to include my (email) signature (block) every time I reply to an email. Good practice.
and a golden oldie from last summer.
How do I write a polite reminder to my boss? Start with a gentle reminder.
Is there something you want to ask? Doesn’t matter how trivial you think it might be. Rest assured others too will be struggling. Either email us direct or submit it through Quora.
Alternatively buy a copy of either ‘Taking Control of Your Inbox‘ or ‘Brilliant Email‘ where you will undoubtedly find the solution.
Tags: bcc, Brilliant Email, email best practice, Email signature block, Quora, Taking Control of Your Inbox