The holiday period was to some extent dominated by the Ashley Madison hacking and the havoc is wrecked for both organisations and individuals as summarized in this months blog and the on-going saga of Hilary Clinton’s emails sent on her personal account. In between there was a piece we noted about Finland now teaching keyboard skills rather than cursive (joined-up) writing.
The Ashley Madison story
Hilary Clinton email saga
The keyboard overtakes cursive writing
Tags: Ashley Madison, Cursive writing, email overload, Hilary Clinton, pen and paper, thank you emails
Saying ‘thank you’ is about both the medium and the content as David Tang wrote in the Financial Times last week. A point I whole heartily endorse. It is about conveying sincerity and it is better to send an email than do nothing. If you choose to use email what is the best email etiquette to demonstrate sincerity?
Here are some tips.
BomoArt Note Card
informative. The day spent at was ……
Call me old fashioned, (but as discussed previously) for my part I still prefer to send a conventional hand written note to express my gratitude, when someone has gone the extra mile. And of course I am lucky having BomoArt as my sponsor who provide me with the exquisite cards to do so. That said, there is something about taking the time to buy a card that adds depth to the thank you.
However, in this day and age when first, many people are time poor and second, many cannot write properly and rely wholly on electronic devices, hopefully good email etiquette will help convey sincerity.
These are some of the aspects covered in Mesmo Consultancy’s Brilliant Email etiquette training masterclasses.
Tags: corporate email etiquette, email etiquette, email etiquette training, thank you emails
We all like to feel valued when we have either helped someone or done something really well. Many feel that saying thank you encourages better team work and bonding. A point supported by David Desento’s research. But what is the best way to say thank you? A thank you email is one way and is often the default. However, how many of those ‘thank you’ emails are really sent with genuine warmth and gratitude? For those who receive over 50 emails a day, the ‘thank you’ either might be overlooked or worse still just add to feeling of suffering with chronic email and information overload.
In workshops and coaching sessions, when asked what annoys people the most about email, 75% cite ‘thank you’ emails. Many perceive they are sent without thinking but rather almost as a Pavlovian response which is meaningless and without any feeling of real gratitude. After all if the boss ask for something why would you not do it.
In this age of electronic communications what is the best email etiquette to say thank you and do with feeling? Drawing on discussions with clients and their experience here are some which work really well without driving up the email overload.
1. Add a line at the end of the original email to show your gratitude in advance of the response.
2. If the person has gone the extra mile and done an exceptional job then:
BomoArt Note Card
especially if the person has gone the extra mile).
3. Only if none of the above work, should you ping back a ‘thanks’ email. But make sure it sounds sincere and it stops there. Don’t be sucked in to a pointless round of email ping-pong if they respond.
Using good email etiquette like this and switching to an alternative medium is also a very good way to improve performance and business relationships whilst at the same time reducing email and information overload.
For more ways like these to save time and enhance productivity ask us about our email best practice training and coaching.
Tags: corporate email etiquette, email best practice, email overload, thank you emails